Sometimes, we feel so sad, nothing works no matter how hard we try. Feels like all the doors are closed in front of us, and we can go nowhere, at the worst time, we can even feel our world is ending. During those times, we are in the very Yin side of the symbol, SO dark!
“But, take a good look at that symbol, there is a little white dot.”
That is the hope, and the hope is always there even if it is very small. The big dark part is gradually getting smaller and smaller, eventually transfering to white, to the bright side.
In our life time, we all experience some good days and bad days, just like that Yin & Yang Symbol which has dark side and bright side. The dark side is always with brightness, and the bright side always with darkness.
“There is no pure bad and pure good.”
Even sometimes we feel like the bad days are too many and they will never end, but they will end eventually.
“Yin and Yang gradually trade places with each other, revealing what was obscured and obscuring what was revealed.”
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